Climate Positive

Accelerate your journey to Net Zero

Climate Positive

The University of Exeter is home to more of the world’s top climate scientists than any other university in the world and our strategic partnership with the UK Met Office means we offer unique services, technology, data and expertise.

Our team can accelerate your journey to net zero and energy security, with decarbonisation strategies and credible plans that keep your organisation’s goals and growth on track.


Carbon footprinting and analysis

Our experts can quantify your current greenhouse gas emissions and forecast the impact of different carbon-cutting interventions.

By gaining a clear and comprehensive understanding of your climate footprint, you can confidently set emissions reduction targets, implement mitigation measures, and align your operations with climate goals and stakeholder expectations.

Climate risk and opportunity analysis

With climate change presenting both risks and opportunities, businesses need to navigate this complex landscape. Conducting comprehensive climate risk and opportunity analysis provides valuable insights for informed decision-making and investments, enabling you to build resilience, seize emerging sustainable business models, and stay ahead in a changing world.

Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) for Products and Services

In today’s environmentally conscious market, understanding the lifecycle impact of your products and services is crucial. Gain a competitive edge by partnering with our LCA consultants, who can help you identify areas for improvement, reduce resource consumption, and enhance sustainability, ensuring your offerings align with customer expectations and regulatory requirements.

Renewable Energy Assessments

Maximize the benefits of renewable energy by consulting our experts for assessments and advice. These evaluations can guide your business in selecting the most suitable renewable energy technologies, optimising their implementation, and maximizing your contribution to the clean industrial revolution. Embracing renewables not only reduces environmental impact but also enhances your brand reputation and future-proofs your operations.

Sustainable and low carbon transport assessments

As the transport sector decarbonises, low-carbon transport assessments and technologies are crucial. Our experts can work with you to innovate clean transport technologies, evaluate your current transportation systems and identify new opportunities to adopt low-carbon alternatives – improving efficiency and reducing emissions. Prioritising sustainable transport not only helps you achieve your carbon targets but also presents the opportunity to pave the way a greener future through innovation.

Transitioning energy systems (supply & demand)

As the world moves towards cleaner energy sources, businesses must actively participate in transitioning energy systems. Ensuring clean, green innovation keeps pace with demand is essential for successful decarbonisation. Collaborating with our experts can help you invest in and develop innovative solutions, accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies, and shape a sustainable future for your industry.

Energy and Climate Policy development (mitigation and adaption)

We place sustainability and change at the heart of energy policy and governance, working collaboratively with businesses and policymakers on the economics and politics of energy to find new and innovative approaches for enabling the transition to a low carbon, sustainable and affordable energy system.

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  • “Working with the University of Exeter’s circular economy team helped us not only gain a greater understanding of our company's carbon footprint and environmental impact, but the actions we need to take to decarbonise and reach Net Zero emissions.”
    - Dan Parker
    Director, FireText
  • “The University’s support has been invaluable in helping us achieve our net zero status, whilst helping to meet our core values and supporting the world around us.”
    - Katherine George
    Director, Oh So Social
  • “The knowledge gained has been invaluable, unlocking new products and resulting in significant additional revenue for the company.”
    - Steve Austen
    Engineering Director, Supacat Ltd

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